Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Healthy Drinks for Kids!!!

Babies get most of the fluids they need during the first year from lactation and formula. But after that they need 5 and half to 7 cups fluid per day. Below are some healthy alternatives to try with your kids.

1. Water (Anytime):

Water is far and away the best choice for a kid's drink. Try flavoring it with crushed fruits or decorate it with funny straws or ice cubes.

Benefits of drinking water: 
  • Keep active toddlers and preschoolers hydrated
  • Reduce acid in the mouth that can cause cavities
  • Helps growing toddlers and preschoolers maintain a healthy weight
2. Milk: 

Milk is packed with vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, important nutrients that help build healthy bones and teeth. Give whole milk to kids ages 1-2. Fat free milk is better after age 2; it has all the nutrients without the added calories.

3. Juices (Sometimes):

Juice without any added sugar can be served to your kids. Kids ages 1-6 years can have 4-6 ounces/per day. Too much juice adds a lots of calories and not as much fiber as a piece of fruit.

I like to Drink.....

Monday, June 29, 2015

How to Raise A Happy Baby!!!

Happiness is the key word of success in life in all respects. So this is a continuous process which rolls from the very beginning of a soul ...from childhood. We can figure out some basic steps to raise a happy baby. Such as:  

Mom...see it!!!!

1. Learn to Read Your Baby's Emotions

A sensitive mother can pick up on different kinds of cries and facial expressions. the eyebrows, the mouth and vocalizations are all signaling systems for the baby.

2. Have Fun with your Baby

What makes your baby happiest is much simpler; it's you...having fun play with you.

3. Help Your Baby Master New Skills

Happy people are often those who have mastered a skill. Make sure that your child is practicing something they truly enjoy or they won't be as happy about their successes.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Primary Symptoms of Children's Eye Problem

 Eyes are Gems of a person's life and it should be taken care of from the childhood. Any sign and symptoms of poor or problematic vision must be noticed. According to the Optometrists Network, the symptoms of possible vision problems in children include:

I Can See It!!!!!
1. Poor School Performance: 
Taking longer than normal to complete homework, 
Difficulty paying attention when reading and writing,
Trouble seeing information on the Chalk board, 
Not want to go to school.
2. Sitting too Close to the TV
3. Blurry or Double Vision

Thursday, June 25, 2015

10 easy way to lose weight


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Top 7 Tips For Healthy eyes

Follow These Seven Easy Tips for Eye Health

1.  Eat Well to Protect your Eyesight: Eat lots of fruits and vegetables which contain Lutein, Omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin A, C & E.
2. See your Doctor Regularly: An eye exam is an essential way to detect even the slightest changes to your eye health

3. Protect Your Eyes: Wear goggles for yard work, using power tools or playing sports and use sunglasses when you are in sun.

4. Caution on Watching TV: While watching TV, keep a distance of 8-10 feet between your eyes and the screen and take breaks

5. Using Computer? Follow the 20-20-20 rules: Rest your eyes every 20 min by looking 20 feet in front of you for 20 sec.

6. Say No to Smoking: Smoking makes you more susceptible to develop macular degeneration, progresses in the development of cataracts and can cause nerve damage

7. Maintain Yours Weight: Exercise can help by increasing circulation, which can lower pressure in the eyes. Exercise also helps maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight increases your risk of developing diabetes and other systemic diseases, increasing your chance of major eye diseases.

Healthy Eyes....for a look!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Children Footwear!!!!! How to Buy?!!!

Tips for Buying Proper Fitting Shoes for Your Child

Throughout the year, one of the most important purchases on any parent's shopping list should be a pair of proper fitting shoes for their child. For many parents, shoe shopping may seem easier than a pop-quiz in gym class, but several important factors should be considered: 

  • Children's Feet Change With Age: Shoe and sock sizes may change every few months as a child's feet grow.
  • Shoes That Don't Fit Properly Can Aggravate the Feet:  Always measure a child's feet before buying shoes, and watch for signs of irritation.
  • Never Hand Down Footwear: Just because a shoe size fits one child comfortably doesn't mean it will fit another the same way. Also, sharing shoes can spread fungi like athlete's foot and nail fungus.
  • Examine the Heels: Children may wear through the heels of shoes quicker than outgrowing shoes themselves. Uneven heel wear can indicate a foot problem that should be checked by a podiatrist.
  • Take Your Child Shoe Shopping: Every shoe fits differently. Letting a kid have a say in the shoe buying process promotes healthy foot habits down the road.
  • Always Buy for the Larger Foot: Feet are seldom precisely the same size.
  • Buy Shoes That Do Not Need a “Break-In” Period: Shoes should be comfortable immediately. Also make sure to have your kid try on shoes with socks or tights, if that's how they'll be worn.

I need my shoes.......

Monday, June 22, 2015

Protect Your Feet!!!!

6 Steps to Protect Your Feet

1. Avoid walking barefoot

2. Avoid flat and tight-fitting shoes; including flat sandals and flip-flops 

3. Wear soles that offers solid footing and don't slip. Thick soles cushions your feet on hard surfaces

4.  Select a good quality, podiatrist-recommended shoe or sandal that offers arch support

5. Replace shoes when they show signs of wear and tear

6. Practice good foot hygiene. Look for cuts, blisters and ingrown toenails. If you have diabetes, check your feet everyday for sores or any signs of infection such as redness, swelling and pain

Happy Feet!!!!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Quick Tips for Ramadan

A Short-cut Way out to be Healthy on Ramadan

  • Eat normal sized, nutritious meals at Sahoor and Iftar.
  • Avoid foods high in fat, salt and sugar.
  • Choose a diet rich in fruit, vegetable, beans, lentils rice and grains.
  • Drink plenty of fluids and avoid caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, energy drinks or cola.
  • Break the fast with a healthy snack like dates – a nutritious burst of natural sugar.
  • Speak to a health professional before changing medication regimes for Ramadan.
  • Avoid excessive exercise during fasting times - if you want to go to the gym, consider doing so after Iftar.

 Eat Healthy....Stay Healthy....

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Importance of Sleep!!!!

10 Important Reasons of Proper Sleep

1. Stabilizes Blood Sugar Level

2. Reduces Stress Level and Steer Clear of Depression

3. Builds Your Muscles

4. Makes You Feel Happier and More Alert

5. Helps to Have a Healthy Weight

6. Keeps Your Heart Healthy

7. At Sleep, Your Cells Repair Themselves

8. Your Body Releases Important Hormones

9. Reduces Inflammation

10. Your Brain Recharges and Sharpen Attention to be a Winner



Sleeping n Winning.........

Monday, June 15, 2015

Be Stressless!!!!

Simple 4 Ways to Get Rid of STRESS

1. Release the Believe that You are  Responsible for Everyone and Everything

2. Let go of Perfectionism

3. Ask For and Accept Help from Others

4. Focus Upon What's Important, and the   Rest will Take Care of Itself


Keep it on.....


Sunday, June 14, 2015

10 Step Plan For Weight Loss


Oftentimes, simple, easy changes can help you see results right away.Patience is an important part of the successful weight-loss formula. The pounds didn't get packed on overnight; it's going to take some time to establish healthy eating and exercise habits, and shed the not-so-healthy ones. 


 10 Step Plan For Weight Loss:
  1. Eat more home cooked food
  2. Have 3 servings of vegetables a day
  3. Eat more whole grains
  4. Add a meatless meal once a week
  5. Start the day with a healthy breakfast
  6. Drink more water
  7. Have healthy snacks
  8. Reduce saturated fats
  9. Switch from full fat dairy to low fat
  10. Include more fish in your diet.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Red Fruits as A Good Friend

Benefits of Red Fruits


We've all heard the cliche that an apple a day can keep the doctor away, but is the same true for a virtual cornucopia of red foods, including Strawberries, Pomegranate, Cherries, Raspberries, Watermelon, Tomatoes, Beets and many more.....
  • The Red Fruit Protects Against Heart disease, Prevents Blood Clots and Improve Blood Circulation.
  • The Red Fruit is Rich Source of Antioxidants which Protect Against Diabetes, Cancer Diseases, Arthritis and Gout.
  •  The Red Fruit Loaded with Lycopene which Gives Their Red Color and Anthocyanin (believed to reduce pain and inflammation)
  • The Red Fruits Helps to Detoxify Our liver and Strengthen Our Immune System when We Stressed Out 
  • Friendly Red Fruits!!!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Correct Time of Drinking Water!

Drinking Water at the Correct time Maximizes it's effectiveness on human body

  • 2 glasses of water after waking up HELPS Activation of internal organs 
  • 1 glass of water 30 min before a meal HELPS Digestion 
  • 1 glass of water before taking a bath or shower HELPS lower Blood Pressure
  • 1 glass of water before going to bed AVOIDS Stroke or Heart Attacks  

Happy Drinking!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Importance of Banana For Health

Adding a banana to your daily diet has an array of benefits in your body. Bananas help you reach your weight-loss goals, keep your bowels healthy, provide nutrients that regulate heart rhythm and have vitamin compounds for eye health. Keep a bunch of bananas on your desk at work and replenish your stock each week. You’ll be more likely to reach for a healthy banana — instead of heading to the vending machine — if you have a bunch sitting in front of you.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Other sides of antibiotics

Antibiotics are the blessings of treatment but sometimes blessings turn into opposite. We're leading such a fast-paced lifestyle that often, to keep up with our schedules; we may pop antibiotics whenever we fall sick. While they may give your temporary relief, in the long run, they can cause irreversible damage to your body. Here are a few:
They increase the risk of obesity. According to studies, industrial raised animals are given low doses of antibiotics to make them fatter, which could also occur in humans.